Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shepherd Boy

My little boy needs a shepherd costume for his Christmas Program on Friday at school. So, tonight I started to feel human again so I found some scrap fabric and threw together this little number. He was totally mezmerized with Thomas the Train while I was taking these pictures so he isn't paying any attention to me...figures!

He won't be wearing the red shirt underneath for the program, probably just a white t-shirt.

In this one he is playing the giant shepherd...notice the small sheep he has stolen from the Nativity and is holding in his hand....

He also will be singing "The Little Drummer Boy" with his class. I tried to practice it with him and promptly realized that the only words I know for sure are "Par rumpa-bum-bum." I would look that up and sing with him some except that I have absolutely no voice...I am totally hoarse and can barely be heard above a whisper, if I am lucky.


  1. Sounds like you are starting to be on the mend? Hope you feel better soon and enjoy your son's program! :) Merry Christmas!

  2. Yes, I am feeling better, but if you called my right now Robyn, you would say "Oh Heather, you sound awful!" because I have gotten that from everyone I have talked to today because I virtually have no voice left. I am lucky if I can even whisper. You know me, I hardly EVER talk anyway, so this is not a problem...okay, so I do talk some now and then....

    HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you and yours! Give your fam a hug for me and give your parents and siblings my best!


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